Employment Accident Insurance
The compulsory Employment Accident insurance is concluded in accordance with the Ordinance on compulsory insurance of employees for the risk of accident at work / SG No. 15 / 17.02.2006, last amended issue 5 of 19.01.2010.
Whom is the insurance designed for?
The insurance is designed for workers and employees who work in the primary and secondary activities of enterprises belonging to business with work related injuries equal to or higher than the national average.
What is covered by the insurance?
The insurance provides coverage for the employees who perform work which poses a danger to their life and health.
The compulsory Employment Accident insurance includes the following coverage:
- temporary disability resulting from an accident at work;
- permanent disability resulting from an accident at work;
- death of the insured person as a result of an accident at work.
The minimum sum insured for the risk of death and permanent disability as a result of an accident at work is seven times the amount of the annual gross salary of the employees at the time of taking out the insurance. The minimum sum insured for the risk of temporary disability resulting from an accident at work is the amount of the monthly gross salary of the employees at the time of taking out the insurance.
The INSURANCE obligatorily covers the indicated risks, occurring as a result of events (employment accidents) under art. 55, para 1 of the Social Security Code:
Additional coverage:
- Expansion of coverage for employment accident under art. 55 para 2 of the Social Security Code;
- Temporary disability as a result of an employment accident with a higher sum insured;
- Expansion of coverage to be valid abroad as well.
When is the insurance taken out?
The insurance is taken out by the employer for each calendar year. The period may not be longer than 12 months and shorter than one month.
Where is the insurance valid?
The insurance covers events which have occurred on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria. Against payment of an additional premium, the coverage can be extended to be valid abroad.
Why should I take out insurance with Lev Ins?
- The company offers a wide range of insurance coverage;
- The insurance can be concluded as an individual or group contract;
- Guaranteed 100% payment because it is without any deductible from the insured persons;
The insurance premium (price) of the Employment Accident Insurance from Insurance Company Lev Ins AD may be paid in installments, depending on the agreement between the parties.
24-hour toll-free helpline
0800 10 200
Frequently Asked Questions:
How are insured any individuals who have been employed after the entry into force of the policy?
Alterations in the insurance contract can be made. The Insured shall notify the Insurer of any changes in the list of insured persons, on the basis of which Insurance Company Lev Ins AD issues an Endorsement.
Can the insurance be concluded for employees of the Ministry of Interior or the Ministry of Defense?
No, they are insured on another basis for the risk of "Accident".