Motor Third Party Liability Insurance
Motor Third Party Liability insurance is a compulsory insurance for all motorists on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria.
You can take your Motor Third Party Liability insurance by following these three easy steps:
- Send * an application for issuance of a policy online by filling in the form https://shop.lev-ins.com/.
The application must indicate names, registration number, telephone number, and valid contact e-mail, registration certificate number (nine-digit number, in the lower right corner of the coupon). The inception date of coverage and method of payment of the insurance premium (single payment or in installments) is displayed in the field "Your inquiry". Before sending the application, make sure that you have chosen your preferred office.
Upon receipt of the application, our employee will contact you to specify the details.
* By sending a message, you declare that you agree to your personal data being processed under the terms and conditions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679. More about the privacy policy of Lev Ins can be found here.
- As a next step, you can make payments to the following bank account BG54BPBI79451060201207, BIC BPBIBGSF. In the field “grounds” it is obligatory to write the number of your policy.
- After receipt of the payments, the policy will be sent back by email in PDF format, and a sticker and a Green Card can be received at the office of the company chosen by you.
Who is the insurance designed for?
Each owner of a motor vehicle, which is registered on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria and is not taken off the road, is obliged to take out compulsory Motor Third Party Liability insurance.
Territorial scope of coverage
The insurance covers the liability of the insured natural persons and legal entities for material and non-material damages caused by them, related to the possession and / or use of motor vehicles, for which the insured is liable according to the Bulgarian legislation or the legislation of the country where the damage occurred. Member States of the European Union, all countries of the European Economic Area, as well as Andorra, Serbia and Switzerland.
Sums insured (limits of liability):
According to Article 492 of the Insurance Code effective from 07.12.2018, the mandatory minimum insurance amounts (limits) for each event are the following:
- for non-material and material damage resulting from bodily injury or death:
BGN 10,420,000 for each event, irrespective of the number of injured persons,
- for property damage (belongings)
BGN 2,100,000 for each event, irrespective of the number of injured persons.
Why take out insurance with Lev Ins?
Motor Third Party Liability insurance of Lev Ins provides:
- 0800 10 200 - free hotline for assistance in case of a road accident
- Visit by auto assistance team
- Roadside assistance up to 50 km as a result of a road accident
Free 24/7 Assistance line
0800 10 200
Frequently asked questions
Do I have to take out Motor Third Party Liability insurance?
Yes, Motor Third Party Liability Insurance is mandatory for the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria. Every car must have a valid policy, whether used permanently, seasonally or periodically. The obligation for Motor Third PartyLiability insurance is waived in cases where the car is deregistered or taken off road and its registration is terminated by the Traffic police.
What am I insured against?
The Motor Third Party Liability Insurance is intended for individuals and legal entities and covers their liability in case of an accident, which has causeddamages other people and / or their property - bodily injuries, death or material damage.
What is the period of validity of Motor Third Party Liability Insurance?
The insurance is valid for one year, and payments can be made in 1, 2 or 4 installments.
What does the price of Motor Third Party Liability insurance depend on?
The price of the insurance is determined by the following: the natural person or legal entity, type of motor vehicle (cubic cm), the territory where the car will be driven, age of the driver.
What documents are required to take out Motor Third Party Liability Insurance?
To take out your insurance, you only need the car registration certificate.
How can I check how long the concluded Motor Third Party Insurance is valid?
If you have taken out Motor Third Party Liability Insurance and/or Motor Casco with Lev Ins, you can check their validity period online on lev-ins.com/proverka-validnost or by sending an SMS with the text “INS + your registration number” to number 1917.
What is a Green Card?
Green Cardis a certificate of Motor Third Party Liability insurance and covers the liability of the driver of the motor vehicle in a third country in case he / she is guilty of causing material and / or non-material damages to third parties. The Green Card is issued together with the Motor Third Party Liability insurance without additional premium.
Where is my insurance valid abroad?
The insurance coverage is valid on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, member states of the European Union, all countries of the European Economic Area, Andorra, Serbia and Switzerland, as well as on the territory of any third country included in an international Green Card agreement.
Which countries are included in the International Green Card agreement?
The countries included in the International Green Card agreement are: Albania, Ukraine, Belarus, Serbia, Tunisia, Belarus, Turkey, Israel, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Iran, Macedonia, Moldova, Russia, Morocco.
If I have taken out Motor Third Party Liability Insurance and have not applied for a Green Card, can I do so later?
Yes, you can order your Green Card at any office of Lev Ins in the country.
What shall I do if I am involved in a road accident in Bulgaria?
In case of an accident with injured persons on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, you must call immediately the emergency toll-free number of Lev Ins: 0 800 10 200.
By the phone call you will receive assistance for: Logistics assistance (Traffic Police, Emergency and Road Assistance), Legal assistance, and legal protection.
What shall I do if I am involved in an accident abroad?
In case of an accident abroad, you must call immediately the emergency toll-free number of Lev Ins: +359 800 10 200, on which you will receive instructions from our expert regarding your next actions and how to protect your rights in an unfamiliar environment.