Travel abroad
What is insured - in brief / object of insurance / compulsory or voluntary
Whom is the insurance designer for?
It is a voluntary insurance covering events related to the life, health or physical integrity of the insured persons. Under the terms and conditions of the Travel Assistance Abroad, natural persons are insured, both Bulgarian and foreign citizens, residing legally in the Republic of Bulgaria, for the time of travel or stay outside the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria. Natural persons up to 85 years of age are insured individually or in groups.
Territorial scope of coverage:
The insurance is valid worldwide, except for the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria and shall not provide insurance coverage for the insured persons who are not Bulgarian citizens, in case the event occurs on the territory of the insured’s country of citizenship. Insurance Company Lev Ins AD provides assistance to the insured persons through the assistance company Coris Bulgaria.
What risks are covered by the insurance?
Basic (mandatory) risks:
- Medical expenses and / or repatriation resulting from an accident or acute illness;
- Expenses for emergency dental treatment.
Additional (optional) risks:
- Rescue costs;
- Death and permanent disability resulting from an accident;
- Daily allowance for hospital stay;
- Personal expenses due to an accident or acute illness;
- Theft, loss or delay of personal luggage;
- Expenses for stolen or lost documents;
- Public liability to third parties;
- Legal assistance.
Why should I take out insurance with Lev Ins?
Why shall you choose Travel Assistance insurance from Lev Ins:
- The policy is valid worldwide;
- The insurance premium does not depend on the country of the journey and the territorial validity;
- Wide range of insurance coverage - you choose one, several or all additional risks, as well as the sum insured for the selected coverage, depending on your needs, the purpose of the trip and financial capabilities. In this way you pay a premium only for the desired risks covered and sums insured;
- Individuals up to 85 years of age are insured without requiring medical documents;
- The insurance can be taken out for a period of one day to one year;
- At the request of the client we provide coverage during amateur practice of winter sports, in the designated areas or off-piste;
- Option to choose currency - euro or dollars;
- We guarantee 100% payment of the incurred expenses, because it is without any deductible from the insured person;
- Round-the-clock assistance through assistance service in English.
The insurance premium is the amount which the Insured pays to the Insurer and against its payment the risks agreed in the policy are covered.
The insurance premium is calculated depending on the insured risks included in the policy, the sums insured, the period of the insurance and other circumstances essential for the risk assessment and is determined according to the tariff of the Insurer, valid at the time of taking out the insurance to which the tax due according to the Tax on Insurance Premiums Law is charged. When calculating the insurance premium, increases are applied depending on the age of the Insured, for residence abroad, related to work, for practicing sports – either amateur or professional.
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Често задавани въпроси
Валидна ли е застраховката, ако си счупя крак?
Застраховката покрива разходите за лечение и/или репатриране, в следствие злополука в това число и счупен крак.