Agricultural crops
Covered are direct quantitative damages to the harvest, as well as the costs for minimization the amount of damages caused to the Insured.
Whom is the insurance designed for?
The object of insurance in agricultural insurance is the harvest of agricultural crops:
- Orchards, vegetables, rose and mulberry gardens, vineyards, strawberries, raspberries, rose hips, blackberries, fruit nurseries, mother plantations, rootstocks, medicinal plants, black currants, hops, seedlings, seedage, flowers for seed and sale, crops in greenhouses and hothouses, etc .;
- Perennial plants as tangible fixed assets (TFA), including newly established and fruit-bearing plantations - vineyards, orchards, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blackcurrants, roses, lavender, hops, etc.;
- Ornamental plants - trees, shrubs and gardens grown outdoors, ornamental nurseries, etc.;
- Forests and forest belts up to 5 years of age, forest nurseries, etc.
The agricultural insurances are intended for natural persons and legal entities, as well as sole traders (ET) carrying out their activity on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria.
Territorial scope of coverage:
This insurance covers the liability of the insured persons for damages caused only on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria.
Risks covered by the insurance:
Covered are direct quantitative damages to the harvest, as well as the costs for minimization the amount of damages caused to the Insured as a result of:
- Hail;
- Storm;
- Torrential rain;
- Fire;
- Flood;
- Late spring and early autumn frost - after 00:00 on 20th April to 00:00 on 1st October;
- Freezing and uprooting of cereals and oilseed rape;
- Slush, to cereals and oilseed rape;
- Damage from wild animals;
- Completely perished perennial plants /trees, vines, grapevine trunks, shrubs, etc./ (completely, totally perished plants) as a result of: hail, storm, fire and freezing /including from frost/, torrential rain, flood;
- Completely perished plants in newly created forests and forest belts, up to five years of age, forest nurseries - from hail, storm, torrential rain, freezing (including due to frost / heavy snow);
Why should I take out insurance with Lev Ins?
- Security and peace of mind on the farm;
- Opportunity for deferred payment;
- The package can be flexibly adapted to your needs;
- The payment of the calculated indemnity is made within 12 days after a complete set of documents on the claim is available – proof of the grounds and the amount of the indemnity due as well as after harvesting the respective crop;
- Quotation is submitted up to 2 hours and up to 48 hours for inspection and conclusion of an insurance policy;
- Throughout the period of insurance coverage you will have a reliable partner in the face of ZK LEV INS and will be provided 24-hour service and advice relating to your plants in order to minimize the risk, correct and precise care to the highest professional standards in agricultural insurance.
Deadline for taking out the insurance:
- for the risk of freezing and uprooting of cereals and oilseed rape is 10th December;
- for all field crops is 20th June;
- for field vegetable production and for tobacco is 15th July;
Deadlines for notification upon occurrence of an insured event
In case of an insured event notice shall be given not later than 7 days after becoming aware thereof; the notification shall give information of the number of the insurance policy, the date and type of the event, as well as an inventory of the damaged areas.
- in case of manifestation of the freezing risk - within seven days after becoming aware, but not later than 31st March for cereals and oilseed rape;
- in case of manifestation of the fire risk, the Insured shall immediately notify the Regional Fire and Emergency Safety Service authority, and within 24 hours shall notify the Insurer;
- in case of manifestation of the freezing risk in perennials and forest plantations, the deadline for notifying the Insurer is 30th April.
The sum insured of the crop insurance is strictly individual and is determined by agreement, depending on the individual risk assessment, the condition of the crops, the expected yields and the price of the production. The insurance premium can be paid as a single payment or in installments, depending on the client's wish.
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